Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where is Thomas Paine when you need him?

When first this country found its voice and dared to cry for FREEDOM, there were the words of one man on the tongues of the nation. That man was Thomas Paine. Few before or since him have so eloquently decried the inhumanity of tyranny in its many forms. I remember my mother, no true fan of freedom as I would later find out, once pointing proudly to a picture of Thomas Paine in her childhood home and telling me that we were related to him. Having a public school education, I didn't know who he was at that time. I have made an effort as an adult to learn about him. I could not be prouder of my heritage, though I admit I do not know how exactly we are related. Now, when the future of the nation he helped to create is in such peril, I can not help but feel a call to remind this country of his message. I will attempt to do that here. I am a WAHM to a high needs 3 year old. I am a disabled veteran of the Army with 9 years of service I take great pride in. I am not some super genius that will spend my precious time trying to impress you with my spelling and grammar ability, LOL! I am here with a message, and I hope those that are interested may find inspiration in its content, if not its grammatical correctness and errorproof typing ;) Freedom was not free, and it still isn't.

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